Saturday, October 30, 2010

Introduction to Sir Dilligad

Albert Einstein once said that reality is an illusion albeit a very persistent one. I guess that is about as good a place to start this blog. First of all I dedicate what ever this turns out to be to Michael, one of my adopted sons of which there have been many over the years. I dedicate this to him because he is the only one of them who ever listened or gave a dam about my crazy thoughts.

Now speaking of reality,is it like finger prints,are any two exactly a like or is each reality slightly different than all the others? As the title of this blog implies these are the thoughts of Sir Diligad, who is part sane,part insane, depressed or not, drunk or sober, wise or ignorant but never stupid.

For a little background on Sir Dilligad he is from the city of Gretan in south Louisiana across the Mississippi river from the great city of New Orleans. He has two brothers, Sir Dilligas and Sir Dilligaf. These three were knighted by the god Bacchus, the god of wine. They each have there unique outlook on life and all three will be stated in this blog. Dilligad is the youngest and as his name suggest he may or may not give a dam about different things that enter his life. The middle brother is as his name suggest somewhat more cynical he pretty much don't give a shit about anything. And then there is Dilligaf who because of his age and experiences in life don't give a fuck about anything. Now this is my reality and if you can deal with it look for future post.

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